Friday, October 31, 2008

6. Halloween

Not the halloween where kids go around the neighborhood and get candy, that halloween is awesome. I'm talking about the halloween where people older than 13 participate.

Listen 14 year olds, you're almost in high school, you aren't allowed to go around and take candy from perfectly deserving children. I know getting free candy sounds pretty good, but get over it and stop being a loser. If you are in high school and you still trick-or-treat that's just deplorable. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want you to be spotted by the group of Abercrombie douche bags and watch them give you a swirly before your Intro to Triganometry class.

Another thing about you high schooler's, more specifically high school girls, if you are already going to halloween parties dressed as an angel or devil but really its just some whore suit, stop, you aren't in college yet. Don't worry though you'll have plenty of time to dress up like a stripper and say you're only doing it because it's halloween, when really we all know that you would do it everyday if it were more socially acceptable.

I do have some good news for those of you who fall into this category however, it's not too late to apply to fashion school; there you can dress like a whore every damn day if you want and fit right in. So with that being said, I hope everyone has a great day and a wonderful halloween.

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