Tuesday, September 16, 2008

1. Everyone Thinks That Juno is Good

Hi everyone who isn't there. I'm pretty pissed off. And here's a couple of reasons why. Just because Diablo Cody wrote a blog and then some movie (Juno) and has tattoos and looks the way she does doesn't make her interesting, her movies good or her a good writer. You know, I would be worried that I might have just turned off a bunch of people to this blog because I made fun of a movie that most people, yourself probably included, really like. Well if you think Juno is good because fucking Kimya Dawson sings some songs with her shitty off-putting voice, and Michael Cera once again has portrayed the only role he can on screen, well then you might just want to X out of this now; we probably disagree on a lot. I'm sure that there are plenty of people that are just fine with that, but for the rest of you, what I'm trying to say is that if you started listening to Kimya Dawson after you watched this movie, or you think that you're more in touch with some non-existent artistic side you think you have because in your opinion Juno is good, I got some news for you, you're wrong. That does not make you unique, in fact, it makes you pretty much like everyone else. After all, the movie was nominated for Best Picture. Which brings me to another point, Juno being nominated for Best Picture is absolute utter bullshit. So with that being said, try not to hate me and have a good day. And remember, don't be judgemental, nobody likes that.


bgoers said...

I heard that Ellen Page turned director Jason Reitman on to Kimya Dawson in the early stages of shooting Juno. I guess Reitman liked Kimya Dawson's off-putting voice enough to include more than six of her songs on the soundtrack. So while I'll agree that no one should worship Diablo Cody's writing because she has tattoos and wears the latest hipster garb, you can't blame her for making Kimya Dawson such a presence in the movie either.

Lucky Girl said...

What makes her a great writer is that she used to take her clothes off for money, duh. Why didn't you think of that?